Directions to “Janika “from Fort William
From the town centre, take the A82 southwards along Loch Linnhe.  Route direction signs are to
Crianlarich and Oban.  After 8 miles you will pass the Corran Ferry on your right hand side.  About a quarter of a mile Past Corran Ferry on the left is a sign for ‘Bunree’.  Take the single track road indicated on the right hand side.  Follow the lane to the T junction and turn left.

Directions to “Janika” from Ballachulish Bridge
From the- bridge continue on A82.  Route directions are for Fort William and Inverness.  Drive through village of Onich till you reach The Pond Takeaway approximately one mile after the takeaway take the second turning on your left opposite the’Bunree’sign.  Follow the lane to the T junction and turn left.
If you miss the turning for Bunree you will come upon Corran Ferry. Turn round and drive back in the direction you came and we are the first turning on the right south of the ferry (approximately 1/4 mile )